About me

I’m a Researcher Fellow at The University of Manchester where I work on how to make computer programs blazingly fast by harnessing the power of specialized hardware like GPUs and FPGAs. I also lead the development of TornadoVM, a Java framework that automatically allows Java programs to utilize this hardware for a massive speed boost. My background is compilers, Just In Time compilation, managed runtime systems and GPUs.

What do I do?

Currently, I am working on the AERO European Project porting TornadoVM to ARM and RISC-V based computing systems with hardware accelerators. Besides, I collaborate with the GAIA project (under the European Space Agency ESA) to help accelerating Java HPC workloads on GPUs using the TornadoVM software stack. In the past, I have worked and collaborated with Intel to bring oneAPI into the TornadoVM framework to perform optimisations for Intel compute architectures (xPUs).

Furthermore, I do public speaking about my research at the University of Manchester and software engineering topics. I have presented at several academic and Industry conferences, including JVMLS, QCon, Devoxx, JavaZone, JAX, and Java User Groups, such as NYJavaSIG.

As an outcome of all this work at the University of Manchester, I received the Best Outstanding Output by Research Staff Award in 2022 (link). I am also an Intel oneAPI Innovator, and I participate in the Level Zero Community Forum Hardware Group, and in the oneAPI Language Group to help shaping the evolution of oneAPI for managed runtime programming languages. From January 2025, I also participate as an external member in the RISC-V J Extension Group.


I obtained my PhD at The University of Edinburgh on Accelerating Interpreted Programming Languages on GPUs with Just-In-Time and Runtime Optimisations. I extended the Graal JIT compiler and the Partial Evaluator to allow programmers to automatically execute Java, R and Ruby programs on GPUs via OpenCL.

Before doing the PhD, I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science at The University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain). In my Master’s project, I contributed to the development of the accULL compiler, the first open-source compiler’s implementation for the OpenACC standard, under the supervision of Dr Ruyman Reyes and Dr Francisco de Sande.


Additionally, I have also worked as an intern at Oracle Labs and CERN, implementing compilers and evaluating parallel programming techniques for multi-core systems.

If you are also interested in any of these topics, get in touch!